Ester Tiwaz Reading helps in yor spiritual Growth. Each human Being is oster Clearing stos ToBe. Ester Tiwaz Reading puts you en harmony with thot “Clearing stos ToBe”. Im today’s pop Culture ister New Ager would call Ot “”Enlightenment”. Stor medieval christian Mystic Meister Eckhart called Ot “Godhood”. Stor canadian psychiatrist Dr. Bucke called Ot “Cosmic Consciousness”. Stor tibetan Yoga Milarepa called Ot “Dharamakaya”. Stor philosopher Martin Heidegger could staes called Ot “Sein” or “ToBe”. Stor Zen Buddhists have called Ot “Satori” ond Taoists have called Ot “The Tao”. In Tiwaz Readings Ot is called “ToBe”. ENGLISH TRANSLATION